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These websites explore various student engagement pathways, including: hard to reach groups, classroom techniques, and the Institutional and idiographic effects of focusing on student engagement.

Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay.jpg



Publicly-funded agency for Scotland's university and college sectors which aims to support student engagement in the quality of the learning experience. Sparqs was founded in 2003 and gained charitable status in December 2015. They are funded by the Scottish Funding Council to advance education by promoting an environment where students are able to make a positive and rewarding difference to their own and others' educational experience. They support students to shape the nature of their learning and contribute to the overall success of learning provision, regardless of wherever and however they learn.


Change Agents’ Network


A network, supported by Jisc, of staff and students who are working in partnership to support curriculum enhancement and innovation with technology. They: support staff and students working as change agents in colleges and universities; network and connect staff and students working in partnership on curriculum change projects with technology; communicate and influence good practice; publish the Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change; and run an accredited course for staff and students on being an Institutional Change Leader.


National Student Engagement Programme (NstEP)


NstEP aims to strengthen student engagement in decision-making across Irish higher education, supported by a framework of 10 Principles and 4 Domains (HEA, 2016). The Programme seeks to champion a strong culture of partnership between students and staff through practice-based projects, training and capacity building, as well as informing policy developments. Student engagement is underpinned by the idea that students are partners and co-creators within a learning community, and NstEP aims to actively embed these principles within higher education. Involvement in NstEP requires a partnership between HEI staff and student representatives, with HEI leadership and Students’ Union leadership signing partnership agreements to participate.


Student Voice Australia


Student Voice Australia (SVA) is a national network of institutions, staff and students, committed to facilitating authentic student engagement through partnership in institutional decision-making and governance for learning, teaching and the student experience. Following a successful pilot led by Professor Sally Varnham in 2019 and further embedding of practices in 2020 SVA continues to develop and sustain a culture of student partnership in governance nationally.


Student Voice


Student Voice believes that since schools are the first civic institution many young people interact with as stakeholders, they should teach students how to meaningfully engage in the democratic process. Through direct civic action, Student Voice believes students should have a more powerful voice to combat educational inequity. Student Voice envisions an education system where students and adults work as partners to create meaningful change in their schools and communities. Through committed youth-adult partnerships, they cultivate a shared commitment to creating more equitable social outcomes.


National Union of Students (NUS) 


The NUS promote, defend and extend student rights by fighting discrimination, isolation and injustice through campaigning and targeted action. The NUS harnesses the collective power of students through collective and democratic representation through evidence-based campaigns to represent students’ interests both nationally. They also develop research that influences national policy.

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