After running our Reading Group on the first Tuesday of the month for two years, we are making a slight adjustment, and changing the slot to the first Monday of the month instead. We hope this won’t inconvenience any of our regular attendees.
So you are warmly welcome to join us in our new slot, on the first Monday of the month, at 4pm UK time for our friendly discussion of student engagement. You don't need any qualifications to attend, just an interest in the scholarship of student engagement.
Our article choice for this month is:
Graham, A. I., C. Harner and S. Marsham (2021). "Can assessment-specific marking criteria and electronic comment libraries increase student engagement with assessment and feedback?" Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: 1-16.
It's free to join the session, but it helps us if you register ahead of time.
We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please get in touch (raise@newcastle.ac.uk)