When: 23rd November 2022
Where: University of Portsmouth, UK
Cost: free
Registration: register here
Aspiring to increase our partnership work with students in Higher Education has remained a focus for educational developers, students’ unions and management teams for the last 10 years. The movement of co-design and partnership has encouraged more staff and their services to work with students to create a more student-centred Higher Education.
Theoretically positioning students as partners, rather than consumers or customers, has been well received, creating an ethos of dialogue, empathy, collaboration and reciprocity. Yet there are still many challenges when putting partnership into practice for professional services, which persist to create bumps in the road and even dislodge partnership as a realistic aim in our teams where our engagements are shorter in time, transactional and have low student-staff interaction. This free workshop will facilitate discussions and activities to begin the conversation in engaging our students’ in our professional services, to create an ethos of partnership and enhance our practice collaboratively. The event will draw on partnership literature reflecting on the progress made in the sector, a case study of innovative practice, and feature a planning element so colleagues can take a plan back to their institutions. This free event is open to both students and staff, and we also welcome groups from institutions and your students’ unions to attend to reflect on developing practice.
The event will be in person only but slides will be available after. For staff arriving the night before to the event, the University of Portsmouth will be organising an informal networking social the evening before.
For any questions about the event, please email Tom.Lowe@port.ac.uk