The results from the online elections, which took place during the RAISE 2021 Conference, have been checked and verified by the returning officers.
The following people have been elected by delegates at the conference:
Vice Chair: Tom Lowe, Winchester University
Secretary: Jill LeBihan, Sheffield Hallam University
Marketing Officer: Eugenie Johnson, Newcastle University
SIG Co-ordinator: Ruta Furmonaviciene, DeMontfort University
Ordinary Committee Member (x 2): Claire Garden, Edinburgh Napier University and Ellie Mayo-Ward, Cardiff University
Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination to stand. The successful candidates will be contacted by a member of the committee shortly.
We would like to thank Laura Callaghan, Madalene George, Jenny Marie and Meerav Shah for their commitment and contribution to RAISE and the work of the Committee.
The Student Member and Communications Officer positions are reopening for nomination as we received no applications in the previous round.
If you are interested in joining the RAISE committee in one of these roles, please submit your self-nomination here no later than 5pm Friday 24th September.
The RAISE committee will co-opt these positions for this academic year 2021/22. Further information on the roles and key information, please head here.